

Josef Bauer: Works 1965–Today

Josef Bauer, Hans-Peter Feldmann, Krist Gruijthuijsen, Bettina Steinbrügge, Thomas Zaunschirm


Works 1965–Today stems from a retrospective held at the Grazer Kunstverein showcasing Josef Bauer’s experiments with language, color, and their spatial contexts nearly forty years after his last exhibition in Graz. His practice combines sculpture, installation, painting, and performance to disturb our perception of words and colors as mere carriers of meaning. By removing their two-dimensional context, letters become objects that communicate directly with our bodies in an unfiltered and urgent language called tactile poetry.

Editor: Krist Gruijthuijsen
Authors: Hans-Peter Feldmann, Bettina Steinbrügge, Thomas Zaunschirm
Design: Marc Hollenstein
208 pages, 112 color images, 28 x 22 cm, German/ English
Published by: Sternberg Press, Grazer Kunstverein
ISBN 978-3-95679-096-6
Price: 30,– Euro


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