Es ist schwer das Reale zu berühren
Søren Grammel, Maria Lind, Hito Steyerl
Es ist schwer das Reale zu berühren is a video archive that involves works by artists for whom the notion of the documentary provides an important impulse. The archive is permanently available to visitors of the Grazer Kunstverein in the form of a presence video library. The video archive contains about 125 videos of all 77 artists involved in the festivals and screenings. This publication provides an overview of the archive.
Editors: Søren Grammel, Maria Lind
Authors: Hito Steyerl, Søren Grammel, Maria Lind
Artists: Aljafari, Bartana, Biemann, Billing, Blandy, Brolin, vom Bruch, Cantor, Cherinet, Dabernig, Damerji, Danesch, Denzer, Diener, Eichelmann, Einhorn, Eriksson, Ersen, Fischer, Fowler, Geene, Gerbaulet, Herzog, Holert, Holzfeind, Hopf, Johansson, Kaaserer, kanalB, Klub Zwei, Kostova, Könnemann, Krauß, Krenn, Laanemets, Leko, Lillebaek Christense, Linder, McCollum, Mörnvik, Moshiri, Nashashibi, Nellemann, Nordahl, Novickas, Ofteringer, von Osten, Ponger, PTTL, Raidpere, Raat, Reiß, Ressler, Rink, Rosenberger, Rust, Rych, Sabanovic, Sadr Haghighian, Sala, El Sani, Shahbazi, Steyerl, Spacecampaign, Sukmit, Vaindorf, Villesen, Waddington, Wermers, Zabat, Zbanic, Zolghad, u.a.
Design: Christoph Steinegger/ Interkool
208 pages, 198 images in total, 33 b/w, 165 color images, 19 x 13,5 cm, 470g, German
Published by: Revolver – Archiv für aktuelle Kunst, Berlin
ISBN 978-3-86588-338-4
Price: 21,– Euro