we sat rigid except for the parts of our bodies that were needed for production
Celeste Burlina, Tom Engels, Laura Guy, Calla Henkel, Sandra Lahire, Julie Peeters, Charlotte Procter, Kerstin Schroedinger, Miriam Stoney
This publication appeared in conjunction with the exhibition we sat rigid except for the parts of our bodies that were needed for production by Sandra Lahire and Celeste Burlina. It is the first in a series of small volumes of correspondence, responses, and conversations, which accompanies the exhibition program of Grazer Kunstverein.
Editor: Tom Engels
Contributions: Celeste Burlina, Tom Engels, Laura Guy, Calla Henkel, Sandra Lahire, Julie Peeters, Charlotte Procter, Kerstin Schroedinger, Miriam Stoney
Graphic Design: Julie Peeters
Editorial Assistance: Verena Borecky
Copyediting: Tom Engels, Verena Borecky
Printing and binding: Benedict Press, Münsterschwarzach
Edition: 350
Typeface: Kleisch GK by Chiachi Chao
63 pages, b&w, English
ISBN: 978-3-9505230-0-3
Price: 7,– Euro, 4,– Euro for members